Hatkanangale has close proximity with Kolhapur, Ichalkaranji and Sangli. It has rail facility and good road facility, which connects it to the neighboring cities. In spite of all this and being a Taluka place, it is not as developed as to be called a city. It has many textile and small scale manufacturing factories. However, many people travel to Ichalkaranji and Kolhapur for work. Water is a real concern in the town. Agriculture largely depends on rains. Some lucky farmers have wells who manage to take more than one crop. Main crops are jawar, soybean and groundnut. Education facilities are not adequate as a Taluka place. Hatkanangale is a peaceful place to live in with no history of large-scale violence. The town is growing with residential area expanding year on year. Water is one area the government needs to concentrate on as soon as possible. There is least importance given to drainage and purification of water. The growing town needs water as never before.